Getting Things Done

How to overcome the obstacles of a busy life and get your first book written.

I did this interview for a class Becky Hagel ran about writing ebooks. The working title was "Overcoming The Frictions Keeping You From Finishing Your First Ebook."

If your having problems getting started on your first ebook, or have gotten stuck along the way, this interview will help you get back on track.

It's FREE so rather than telling you more about it, just go ahead and download the interview and start reading.


Read This Before Downloading The Package.

It will take you about 5 minutes to download the materials with a dial up modem. If you have a faster connection it will take less time.

If you have problems with the download or opening the PDF, there is troubleshooting information at the bottom of this page.

Download Instructions

The ebook is called getting-things-done9r11.pdf After you download the PDF, you should be able to just click on it to access the book.

There are solutions to common problems at the bottom of this page.

You can download the ebook by right clicking on the link below and selecting save.

Right Click and Select Save To Download Package

Troubleshooting tips.

You need Adobe Acrobat reader to open the book.

If you cannot get the PDF to open, or it opens as gibberish, you may not have Adobe Acrobat on your computer.

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat version 4.0 or higher you can download the program for free at:

If you have Adobe Acrobat, open the books from within Acrobat. This done by selecting Acrobat using the start button on your computer. The path is Start > Programs > Acrobat Then use the File > Open command within Acrobat to open the book.

If you have acrobat, the PDF files will open when you double click on them. If the PDF opens with a program other than Acrobat, the association is wrong on your computer. Your computer associates files by extension with programs.

To change the associations:

  1. Right click on the PDF file and then select properties.
  2. On the general tag of the properties screen it should say OPENS WITH: Adobe Acrobat #.# or Adobe Reader #.# Either will work.
  3. If this is different, you need to change the association by clicking on the change button. Select Acrobat from the list and then OK.

If you still cannot get the book open or have other problems not covered by these instructions email me with as much detail as you can about the problem. Include the operating system, browser, and the name of your ISP in your email.

Terry Gibbs

© 2011 Terry Gibbs All Rights Reserved.
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