Common Online Marketing MistakesFree Report explains Common Online Marketing MistakesI found this interview I did a few years ago with Tony Blake. It's not surprising to me that many marketers are still making these common internet marketing mistakes. While I could easily sell this report - it was originally part of my monthy interview series and subscribers paid $23.47 for it - I've decided to give it away instead.Why am I giving away this valuable interview? Two reasons: Download InstructionsThe ebook is called common-marketing-mistakespfp.pdf After you download the PDF, you should be able to just click on it to access the book.Troubleshooting tips.You need Adobe Acrobat reader to open the book. If you cannot get the PDF to open, or it opens as gibberish, you may not have Adobe Acrobat on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat version 4.0 or higher you can download the program for free at:
If you have Adobe Acrobat, open the books from within Acrobat. This done by selecting Acrobat using the start button on your computer. The path is Start > Programs > Acrobat Then use the File > Open command within Acrobat to open the book. If you have acrobat, the PDF files will open when you double click on them. If the PDF opens with a program other than Acrobat, the association is wrong on your computer. Your computer associates files by extension with programs. To change the associations:
If you still cannot get the book open or have other problems not covered by these instructions email me with as much detail as you can about the problem. Include the operating system, browser, and the name of your ISP in your email. Terry Gibbs